Data Subprocessors
Last updated on February 15th, 2024
To support delivery of our services, ShuttleCloud may engage and use data processors with access to certain Customer Data or Personal Information (a “Subprocessor” from now on). This page provides information about each Subprocessor.
Please email if you have any questions.
Location: United States.
Use: cloud service provider, cloud processing, database provider, system monitoring, usage analytics, email provider, document storage and advertisement provider.
Location: United States.
Use: marketing and transactional emails.
Location: United States.
Use: customer support management.
Updates to this page
Due to the nature of our business, our needs and service providers may change from time to time. For example, we may stop using a service provider to consolidate and minimize our use of service providers.We will periodically update this page to reflect additions and removals to our list of service providers.