The Cloud Condenser - Volume 3

ShuttleCloud is proud to present notable cloud industry news from December 2012.This series is updated bi-weekly with the latest and greatest resources on all things cloud. Office 2013 Available For Business Users | David Roe of CMS WireRemember IBM's launch of SmartCloud Docs? Well Microsoft just eclipsed it, thanks to the release of Office 2013 for business users. Read the full release here, written by Sanjay Manchanda of the Office team. This particular aggressiveness and agility on the part of Microsoft will make it especially difficult for IBM to compete with the 800-pound gorilla word processor that is MS Office. Good luck!
Google Play Lets Enterprise Customers Distribute Apps Internally | Emil Protalinski of The Next WebGoogle Play, the online store for mobile apps by Google, is now available for Google Apps customers. Sort of reminds one of iTunesU, as companies and schools can now distribute private apps internally without publishing them publically. This article also serves as a step-by-step guide for those of you needing to set up your own private channel on Google Play.
New Yahoo CEO Starts Company Reboot with Email | Barry Levine of CMS WireMarissa Mayer, the new CEO of Yahoo, posted a blog on the Y! Yodel Anecdotal about the significantly updated version of Yahoo mail, which rolled out earlier in December 2012. "Yahoo mail users want fewer distrctions... the new mail is focused on being fast, easy, and available anywhere you go." While Yahoo mail is the #1 provider in the US, it is #3 worldwide behind Gmail and Hotmail.
Datapipe and Newvem Provide New Insights on Amazon Web Services | Joline Biancavilla of BridgeView MarketingClients of Amazon Web Services (AWS) will soon have access to new analytics tools to better manage their cloud services, namely in the arenas of cost and efficiency. Cloud management companies Datapipe and Newvem have partnered to provide the ultimate dashboard of actionable data for IT Admins, CIO's, CTO's and even CEO's to make smarter decisions about the direction of their cloud products and services.
Microsoft Tightens Security, 'Encourages' Hotmail Users To Upgrade | David Roe of CMS WireSince last July, Microsoft has transitioned 25 million Hotmail users to the new-and-improved, a likely target competitor to Gmail. While advertising within Hotmail users' mail interface has proven fruitful, it isn't the only way they plan to 'win' over migrations. In addition to advertising, Microsoft announced two new security features that further secure Outlook accounts. If these measures can dispell the stereotype of phish-prone Hotmail, they may have a shot at a much larger user base.