Difference between ShuttleCloud in Gmail and G Suite Marketplace Tool?

Depending on what your final goal is, you will be better off using 1. ShuttleCloud's integration within Gmail or 2. the ShuttleCloud Migration Tool in the G Suite Marketplace.1. If what you want is to import mail and/or contacts to your Gmail or G Suite account from a prior webmail provider such as Hotmail or Yahoo then the ShuttleCloud app within Gmail is the best option for you!Your users will be able to complete their migrations following the steps in this article: https://blog.shuttlecloud.com/how-do-i-import-email-from-another-email-account-into-a-gmail/ or if you prefer a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEeorOjbbNU&t=2. If, on the other hand, what you want to do is import emails to your G Suite account from a business email provider such as G Suite, Office 365, or others, then the ShuttleCloud Migration Tool in the G Suite Marketplace App is what you are looking for! This option includes bulk import and dedicated support.You may install it following these steps: https://support.shuttlecloud.com/article/362-how-to-install-the-shuttlecloud-migration-app or if you prefer a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X02g-bKkR7U
So, going a bit deeper. What is the difference between both options?
ShuttleCloud integrated within Gmail:- It's a free service provided by Gmail.- User-driven migration within the Gmail interface.- Migrates from most consumer email systems (e.g., Yahoo, Gmail, Outlook, AOL, etc.).- G Suite admins can activate the service for end-user-driven migrations within Gmail: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1o5X7d0mWY&t=7s- Includes email forwarding and contacts import capabilities.ShuttleCloud G Suite Marketplace app– Has 1 free migration, then each additional migration is $19.95.– Includes dedicated support and advice from G Suite Experts.– Admin-driven or user-driven from a separate interface to Gmail’s UI. (email us about admin-driven bulk migrations)– Provides support for consumer email providers, business email providers, and custom IMAPs.In all, they are two different solutions aimed at solving different type of needs.For more information, do not hesitate to contact us at support@shuttlecloud.com