Welcome to ShuttleCloud

We believe an office isn’t just an area to work. It’s a place to learn, teach and share ideas. At times it’s a restaurant and at times it’s somewhere to play games (once the work is done 😉). We even launched a rocket and turned the place into a film studio.

The most popular spot is the outside Patio where we have mastered the art of BBQing. And inside we’ve had many ‘Gather Ups’ and social events; including wine and coffee tasting.

As you’ll see in this ‘Office Tour’ Bytes episode. We have lots of space to do stuff. We’ve shared many great memories in this ‘building’. We’re always proud to show people around. And dogs love it here too!

ShuttleCloud is a community of amazing people. We love to spend time together and have fun. Maybe you can join us one day!
Enjoy the tour!